Sci-Fi / Lo-Fi - March @ The Unstitute


New Town

In December 2016, deep cover operatives affiliated with experimental art website The Unstitute were planted in the remote Catalonian countryside. They were instructed to report material to be assembled into a new project at The Unstitute entitled ‘New Town’; a labyrinthine, digitally constructed environment or ‘new town’ which can be explored online, and which we hope will be deep in its scope and ambitious in its efforts to open exploratory new territory for both artist and audience alike.

Enter New Town



Life is a Bitch

15/03/17 - 15/04/17

This month The Unstitute welcomes back Romanian artist group S.A.B.A. with the socialist sci-fi feature 'Life is a Bitch'.

"Life is a Bitch is a sci-fi video-novel which tries to interrogate the nature of borders, freedom and resistance. The action of the short-film finds its set in a possible future where the Left has the opportunity to build its project on Europa, moon of planet Jupiter, and follows the struggle of a left-minded couple which couldn’t afford the flight to the Socialist Moon."

To complement this month's outstanding video S.A.B.A.has agreed to an in-depth Q&A regarding their video and general practise.



The Wilderness

15/03/17 - 15/04/17

This month, The Unstitute presents a vital and protean video experiment from 5 years hence, which has followed us to Catalonia and threatens to engulf 'New Town' from the outside in. Recalling the linguistic constructions of both Kafkaand Kleist, The Wilderness deterritorializes the mouth, a tongue imprisoned between teeth, a gargled and bestial lament for a city/subject under siege from the nothingness that surrounds it. Apply the logic of The Wilderness to the Great Wall of Trump.

“...a wonderful video-becoming, a whipping-minor of language, a series of stutters, an excess of saliva"

jərˈmān, Cutbank Magazine, University of Montana
