UN[dis]CRIMINATE Online Project open call for submissions

  • Location: www.theunstitute.org
  • Deadline: Oct 8 2017 at 2:10PM
The Unstitute www.theunstitute.org is looking for submissions for its new digital archive UN[dis]CRIMINATE

UN[dis]criminate- a temporary, mobile encampment for nomadic ideas and political consciousness...
Located in courtyards of the Unstitute - inbetween spaces, between other structures, temporary or otherwise - is a network of diverse encampments serving any number of uses; political or otherwise. In these digital encampments you can see the building of a new archive: UN[dis]CRIMINATE

The outlying buildings of The Unstitute are not guarded by anyone in particular, and often entrances sit wide open for anyone to see. But mainly the nomadic eruptions in disused or otherwise vague areas of The Unstitute appear of their own determination, and deterritorialize as long as they please.

The Unstitute invites all digital makers to submit content. Submissions are fed into a special machine underground. Full submission details:

The Unstitute is Marianna and Daniel O'Reilly. Built in 2010 and developed in a rhizomatic fashion to challenge establishment values and explore the domain of art in the 21st Century, The Unstitute not only presents works produced in-house, but hosts virtual residencies, virtual curated exhibitions and monthly online screenings. The architecture of the website itself is a prime feature of the project, incorporating labyrinths amidst the derelict online spaces.
More about participation and other current projects at The Unstitute: http://www.theunstitute.org/Current.Projects.html

We are looking forward to your submissions!