Aya Rodriguez Iyumi's "On Air"

  • Type: event
  • Location: AC Institute - 16 East 48th Street. New York, NY 10017
  • Starts: Sep 16 2016 at 7:09PM
On Air is the latest one-on-one interactive piece created by Aya Rodriguez-Izumi. The work draws inspiration from the late night talk show format, complete with a host (Lynesse Page), an in house band (Bad Bone), a live studio audience, a cameraman and a cue card holder (Aya Rodriguez-Izumi). Viewers are catapulted unexpectedly into the role of celebrity guest for the night and are asked a series of questions that deal with ideas of desire, envy and guilt. By participating, the viewer is expected to share the intimate parts of their personal history On Air. How much participants are willing to divulge and how all the “players” interact will make On Air a constantly changing experience for each performance.

<b>Biography </b>
Aya Rodriguez-Izumi was born in Japan and grew up splitting her time between Okinawa and East Harlem where now lives. Aya is an interdisciplinary artist whose work deals with ideas of societal standards, social structures and cultural identity. Her work has in numerous group shows such as MoCADA, Skylight Gallery, a Pfizer pharmaceutical factory and most recently at the Knockdown Center. She is currently an MFA candidate at the School of Visual Arts.