Apply now for Studies in Vibration: Exploring Physics, Light, and Sound

  • Location: Based between two locations, community arts center Curie City and Department of Physics, University of Warsaw
  • Deadline: Aug 29 2016 at 7:08PM
We are looking for students for a four-week class on Studies in Vibration, an exploration of physics, light, and sound.

Are you excited about intersections between science and art? Curious about the nature of compositional reality, and the vibrations that make up music and art?

Join our four-week class on vibration, physics, time, and art.. Includes personal mentorship, hands-on experience, and a creative work environment.

You will walk away with:

Working experience in experimental sound and visual art using a variety of tools
An understanding of the fundamentals of theoretical physics and astrophysics in relation to creative expression
Your own project integrating physics and art

Visit our website to learn more and submit an application:

/ August 29- September 23
/ Warsaw, Poland