Hypokomeinon M->Orphic Journal

https://ia601506.us.archive.org/24/items/HypokomeinonMOrphicJournalJan20151/HypokomeinonMOrphicJournalJan2015%5B1%5D.pdf Hypokomeinon or layered structures of logic relate efforts in cyber drawing to transcend the photo montage exteriority by taking the Greek “Tuche” of “technical” at its original value of “touching upon” at the denominations availably syllepsis, syllogism, and chiasmus as those cross idexings surviving to a material avatar as witness, so to speak… that is : the proposed materiality within the drawing generally and cyber motion sensor drawing particularly is a thought experiment to begin with and in so doing touches within its adaptations to explosions of content within the layered lappings that upon those bridges are tiers no longer.