Geomapping the Labyrinth Thematic: Geo-mapping the Labrinth of Motion Sensor Drawing Within My Archive: The implicate order of an expanding universe topological to an expansion of No-Center then gives the dimension of a kind of no-space: that is, Kants “ the conditions of experience simultaneously the conditions of the objects of experience in relation to” ” “If the Big Bang were an ordinary explosion in an already existing space, we would be able to look out and see the expanding edge of the explosion with empty space beyond. Instead, we see back towards the Big Bang itself and detect a faint background glow from the hot primordial gases of the early universe. This "cosmic microwave background radiation" is uniform in all directions. This tells us that it is not matter that is expanding outwards from a point, but rather it is space itself that expands evenly.” Brings us to cyber space as a geomapping of content which similarly has between the centers of objects and the centers of spaces this interference pattern by which the common denominator is that the motion sensor drawing senses movement in the archive, the over all labyrinth, as well as its own creation… for example the following are links in the internet to a single word I often take as a thematic namely “apakoinu construction” Links… ar e… What interests me in this project then is to take various centers in my own work and relate them to other centers such as varous sites on the exact center of such and such a country, Also various interest Centers such as Center for Recent Drawing, or the Museum of Computer Art, or Rhizome… etc Centers in my own work include my blog in, archive .org compendium of texts, videos on utube, articles published in the Drawing Research Network, my Rhizome blogs, the labyrinth series placed on Pinterest, On line Sketchbook, Creation of a Tumblr site for this project, specific archives in my website drawingontrope, MOCA address and C4rd, Take the Utube addresses and add links to this project Create FB links MOrphic Journal links on internet