Lapsus, entries online until 11 March

Following numerous requests, we have decided with the curator of Lapsus, Marinella Paderni, to extend the deadline to 11 March, midnight Italian time.

Lapsus is an open call to artists which investigates in photography and video which role random accidents, a 'fortunate' error, a bizarre involuntariness or the failure of an idea, have in the success of a work of art.

Take a look at the variety of projects submitted so far:

Theme of Lapsus:

By 30 March, 15 projects will be chosen by the selection panel which includes Martin Breindl, Elena Ceratti and Silvio Wolf. At the exhibition opening on 17 May 2013 the curator of Lapsus, Marinella Paderni, will choose the three winning projects and award € 2,000 prizes.
Exhibition of the 15 projects will be at the fsmgallery, Florence, Italy, and will run from 17 May to 15 June 2013.

We look forward to seeing your project soon!
The Celeste team and Fondazione Studio Marangoni
[email protected]