Andrews and Aleph Null in Paris at Sorbonne in June

I'm a bit surprised and more than a little delighted that I'll be showing Aleph Null ( in Paris at the Sorbonne at the &Now conference on innovative writing ( in June. And three kind scholars will be giving presentations on Aleph Null. Thanks to Leo Flores, Saemmer Alexandra, and Mark Marino for their interest in Aleph Null.

I'm delighted that my scholar friends and the people organizing the conference are interested in Aleph Null and in seeing it in a context of innovative writing; after all, it is a visual piece, is more evidently a work of programmerly visual art rather than of writing. But they are right that it's useful to see it in a writerly context. My site is a writing site; writing is what I've been doing for thirty years. The whole site involves many approaches to writing and its involvement with other arts and media. And Aleph Null is indeed primarily a written thing; I wrote it in JavaScript. The only parts that weren't written in JavaScript or HTML 5 are the two logos, which I created in Photoshop, an image-making program. O ya and also the 192 screen shots and the icons thereof. But they're documentation of Aleph Null.

Poets are now also writers of zeroes and ones–but in the secret codes of art! You are the code breaker–some imagination required!



