Network, cultural relativism, and insignificance

One sorts through the heaping piles of internet art, more and more self-described art "movements," and the cartons of artists associated with them, and one begins to feel the stratification of mass culture, the largeness of the world, and the insignificance of the self. Post-modernity ushered in the overthrow of cultural hegemony and homogeneity (or passively observed and described it) and with it came a proliferation of pocketed, superficial, and ephemeral trends, mini-cultures, haphazardly strewn about and tenuously connected through "network" (the internet, mass-communication, etc.). I don't mean to condemn the entice of internet memes and simple pleasures, but rather I ask a question: Can the internet provide a venue for a kind of art more substantive? Are we doomed to simple single-page Neens and LOL-cats? Can the individual, the artist, the consumer of art, inscribe a less dellible mark on the course of culture? This is an honest question. There are possibilities latent behind the advent of interactivity and computer generated content in the medium of net art, but is the internet the right place to dive deeper than the fleeting flash contrivances, the sugary mouse-clickable novelty, of single-page Neens? Or do we lack the attention span?
Forgive me if I open up an over-talked topic. I am new here, and don't know the going-ons.
-Colin Brogan