an anecdotal topography of failure

Dear x,

As a persistent homage to the impossibility of adequate representation, I will give you instructions to find a link to the invitation which links to the video which contains the URL to the mix which contains the songs that are trying to break your heart. As just promised, here are the instructions: Visit your facebook "events" section. Since you are attending, it should be listed there. If not, visit . If that doesn't work, the zip file is at

If you choose (or merely desire) to cut straight to the zip file, I can hardly blame you. It will set you on the short-cut path that cuts straight to feeling exactly what I am feeling as you listen to the mix tape. But then how would we ever objectively verify that this adequation of feeling had actually occurred? You could use the word "melancholy" to describe your listening "experience," but of what specific flavor or quality? We are forced (perforce) to honor the impossibility. Nevertheless, who is to prevent us from choosing to be fools who choose to to take the impossible path around/under/over/through the impossible impasse of adequate representation? We are bound to fail! We set our all our sails toward it! Fail ho! We defy them to deny us the bounty of our inevitable failure.

All that to say: