why crime is down and falling

Theft? Torrent a movie.
Murder? Play Call of Duty.
Rape? Watch porn.
Drag Racing? Play Gran Turismo.
Conspiracy/Racketeering/Corruption? Play Diplomacy.
Graffiti? Mess with Wikipedia.
Stalking? Facebook.
Assault/Battery/Carjacking/Arson/etc.? Play Grand Theft Auto.
Drugs? Timothy Leary sez "The Internet is this generation's LSD."


, Paul

You might have something here, as these games become more realistic they may produce the same adrenalin rush as the real thing. The problem is though there's no possibility of any reward like there is in a real crime. So if you're a crinimal who is trying to make money games won't cut it. If, on the other hand you are just looking for an adrenalin boost from shooting up somewhere then a game might do it.