Of Meercats and Music: the Daxophonic Hans Reichel of Daxo.de

Here is a review I wrote (
http://netpoetic.com/2010/05/the-daxophonic-hans-reichel-of-daxo-de ) of a
suite of 12 interactive audio Flash works at daxo.de by Hans Reichel.

"Hans Reichel (1949) is a German improvisational guitarist, experimental
luthier, inventor, and type designer." So saith Wikipedia so you know the
statement has passed many semi-clueless scrutinies to emerge supported,
probably not without revision. But, yes, he is all that and more. The 'more'
part includes creator-of-the-Flash-interactive-audio-visual-daxo.de, which
we shall look at.

Daxo.de is one of the best hypermedia works of its kind that I've
