YouTunes - OTO Oct 10

On October 10, 2009 from 7pm to 10pm, Over The Opening is pleased to present "YouTunes”: a performance sound project with Preston Poe and Kyle Hester

YouTunes is a personalized song customization and distribution system. Poe and Hester invite you to participate by filling out a simple primarily multiple-choice form. Based on your answers, the artists will craft a custom-made song just for you.

“We’ll write, play, sing, record and burn a CD just for you on the spot- all for 99 centavos”

In an effort to compete with iTunes, the artists will be charging 99 cents per song. You bring a dollar bill and they will give you back your very own song burnt on CD and penny for your thoughts change. Choose your themes, rhythm, key phrases, and musical style, and they will match it to a carefully considered, spontaneous, personally crafted melody - with lyrics to boot!

Poe and Hester’s cache of musical YouTunes styles and instruments includes (but is not limited to) Theremin, electric “micro” pipe organ, washtub, fingerpickin’ guitar, ukulele, various percussion instruments, and many other surprises.

Free beer and wine will be on hand as well as a variety of international culinary tastes that will appeal to one and all.

Over The Opening (OTO) - Once a month, from 7PM to 10PM, the artist collective MTAA convert their N6th St. Brooklyn studio into a venue for the presentation of time-based art.