The Microcode website

I've created a website where I'll be collecting my "Microcodes". It's at I'll be updating this as frequently as needed.


, Vijay Pattisapu

Careful with that axe, Eugene.

, Eric Dymond

use IO::Socket;
use strict;
use IO::Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);
my $data;
my ($host,$path);
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => 'http(80)');
print $socket "GET $path HTTP/1.0",CRLF,CRLF;
print $data while read($socket,$data,1024) > 0;

, Pall Thayer

Brand new Microcode, "CNN Dada". This one's particularly pleasant to watch.

use LWP::Simple;
system 'clear';
$width = `tput cols`;
$height = `tput lines`;
$text = get('');
$text =~ s/<[^>]*?>//g;
@words = split(' ', $text);
($horiz, $vert) = (int(rand($width)), int(rand($height)));
system 'tput', 'cup', ($vert, $horiz);
print $words[int(rand(scalar @words))];

, Vijay Pattisapu

I like how after a while the whole begins to look like one long URL.

, Pall Thayer

I made a slight change to the one I posted on the site. I removed "sleep(1)". I find it more interesting, visually and you get more frequent strange word combinations like "arrestroduce" and "prisoncrickdear".