Annie Abrahams at OTO

On October 10, from 7pm to 10 pm, Over The Opening is pleased to present The Big Kiss, a performance installation by Annie Abrahams.

What’s contact in a machine mediated world? What’s the power of the image? How does it feel to kiss without touching? Does the act change because we see it? What does it mean to construct an image with your tongue? And is there still desire? Does the act provoke it? What’s contact in a machine mediated world?

You are invited to participate in the creation of a communal kiss at OTO

Annie Abrahams is a Dutch artist living in France. Abrahams work is featured on her site “Being Human / Etant Humain”: a big interlinked universe that concentrates on the possibilities and limitations of communication as well as at

Thanks to the generous support of the Dutch consulate, Annie Abrahams will be traveling to Brooklyn for the performance and the Rhizome Commissions '08 presentation on Saturday, October 11 at 3pm at the New Museum, New York, NY


Once a month, from 7PM to 10PM, the artist collective MTAA convert their N6th St. Brooklyn studio into a venue for the presentation of time-based art. Next up at OTO - lab404's Curt Cloninger

map and directions to OTO


, M. River

video from the project now up at vimeo