Newborn Spanish Netlabel

Larraskito is a netlabel with a mission of anthropological investigation about the self respecting the music, classifying those who create, even without pretending to. Here we found a place for every kind of inusual sound expression. We don´t care about genders, we only seek the truth.

We got two new releases avaliable through our site

[larr06] Edorta Izarzugaza - Pasitan Nue-

New record of the musician from Bermeo(Vizcaya) Edorta Izarzugaza, recording some of the compositions he made in mid-2007.

Dark ambients covered in a certain mysticism, oscilating between the intimist emotions of his guitar and stranger lansdscapes made on the basis of feedback from his amplifier and fieldrecording. Music of paths, travels.

[larr05] Tzesne - Cuchara-

Reedition of one of the primigenial works of the musician from Guipuzkoa, Tzesne, and one of his most indrustial and intense works. Heavy machinery loops as absorbing as the dark drones of which he would became a master( later on). What´s mre surprising is that the original source material were fieldrecordings made in the restaurant "La Cuchara de San Telmo"(Saint Telmo´s Spoon).

We´re still searching for collaborators , if you want to be part of our archive, email us to: [email protected]

we want to know your opinions, suggestions and reviews about our releases!!!

In a few weeks we will have a new website in spanish and english(only spanish by the moment, sorry)
