new work - seeking comments and critiques

Hey folks

So I have a new video art work online. Would appreciate if you could have a look and give me some feedback on it. Its a quasi-linear narrative titled "TOENAILS" based on a short story Jorge Luis Borges.

This video is an experiment into the concept of vanity explored from two opposing perspectives. Gender and age play a pivotal role here in creating the differences in outlook towards the same subject. Reading a short story titled “Toenails” by Jorge Luis Borges the narrator laments the banality of toenails and their lack of purpose and function. The narrator wonders about the mechanical nature of toenails, their tireless process of reproduction and even cynically questions their existence. The visual in contrast to the narrative depicts a young woman going through the paces of a pedicure. Unlike the narrator, to her toenails are another opportunity for beautification, a social function she relishes to participate in without being objective about her toenails or pondering the philosophical nature of the act itself.
