trak my prada.suits [TM] - hello supermarket komestibles

>Subject: [prada.vomit(TM)] Re: motion tracking + gps tech
>>> One of those things that seem to be easier for humans that
>>> machines. Coupling two or more video cameras would make the project
>>> doable (but probably still require some moderately sophisticated logic).
>> I think Trond Lossius programmed something like this to track the
>> singing fish. Trond?
>Yes. Basic description of the approach:
>- - Used two cams positioned 90 degrees relative to each other
>- - Each cam tracked 2 fishes
>- - The positions of the fishes was regarded to be somewhere along the line
>from the cam through the fish
>- - This means the fish has to be located at the cross point of two lines, one
>for each cam.
>- - I didn't expect tracking to be precise enough for the lines to actually
>cross each other. Instead I calculated the point with the shortest distance
>to both lines.
>- - lots of maths involved. I could send you the whole tracking patch of the
>list on request (requires Nato). It's fairly well documented. I also wrote a
>documentation outlining the maths involved:
>Have to warn you that it is uncomplete, slightly different from the final
>approach, and also it seems as if my son aged 1 1/2 has been contributing to
>it… ;-)


steim has a beautiful garden

nn - i have an excellent memory for the future.

prada - i have excellent prada.suits [TM will host 1 will host the other