EYEDRUM - call for submissions

Call for entries


Does love really make the world go 'round? Or is it now another, darker emotion? Is anger the motor that really turns the planet? The Third World lashes out in anger against the first; the First World strikes back with a vengeance. Liberals infuriate conservatives, conservatives incense liberals. Forces we can't control–traffic, weather, economics, politics, significant others, families, curators, critics, professors, leaders, and neighbors–can make us fighting mad. And in a world that seems to be awash in anger, as soon as we've surfed one wave of rage, the next one is sweeping us up. And if you’re subject to racism, sexism, homophobia, or poverty, you’re that much more pissed off.

We try to maintain a positive attitude. Anger is scary and disruptive; love can hurt but anger can kill. So we take deep breaths, we count to ten, we give the other person the benefit of the doubt. But we're also taught that stifling our emotions is unhealthy. So we have two choices, neither great, when it comes to anger: let it fly (and damn the casualties) or tamp it down (so the only casualty is you).

Eyedrum would like to offer a third alternative to artists with anger to burn. Submit to your rage; submit to FURIOUS: THE ANGRY SHOW. Make an artwork (all media encouraged, including installations) expressing your anger about whatever's really getting your goat. Let it out. Rant and rave. Foam at the mouth. Turn cherry red and blow steam from your ears. You know you're mad about something, or someone. So give Eyedrum a burning piece of your mind. Don't jusr sit there seething, and don't pick up that tempting blunt instrument–make art out of that mad-on instead. Then make a CD or a DVD of that art and send it to: Furious, c/o Eyedrum, 290 MLK Dr. SE, Suite 8, Atlanta, GA 30322 (and don't forget to test your disk media and include your contact info, unless you want us to be mad at you from the start).

Curated by Natacha Roussel, conceived by Richard Gess.
Deadline: February 1, 2007.
Show dates: June 23-August 4, 2007.
Opening reception: June 23.
Entry fee: $20.
Surface mail submissions only.
Information: furiousshow [at] gmail [dot] com.
For more information about Eyedrum, a non-profit artist-run artspace, visit www.eyedrum.org.
This show is partially supported by the Andy Warhol Foundation and the City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs.