Eduardo Kac at the University of South Florida

  • Type: event
  • Starts: Jan 22 2004 at 12:00AM
- Subject: DNA Show - Call for Entries - Juried by Eduardo Kac - Cash Prizes

DNA: art & science - the double helix
The University of South Florida celebrates 50 years of Research
January 22nd - 6:00 - 9:00pm
USF Contemporary Art Museum

Eduardo Kac - Principal Juror - will speak on the subject of his most recent
Artist Talk & Awards - USF FAH 101
Thursday, January 22nd - 6:00pm

discovery of the century
What Francis Crick and James Watson, discovered in 1953 was the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. The discovery has stimulated research in the biotechnology industry that has changed the way we live our lives, from the food we eat to the medicines we use. The pair made their discovery on February 28, 1953 at the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University in Great Britain. Their results were published in Nature, April 1953.

digital projection display
January 22nd, 7:30 - 9:00pm, Contemporary Art Museum (CAM)
Projected images created by artists, scientists, architects and designers from Florida and beyond will be feature throughout the CAM.