pixelgrain :: mapping transition in the canadian prairies

pixelgrain :: mapping transition in the canadian prairies

Year Zero One is pleased to present pixelgrain - a web project by =20
artists Michael Alstad + Leah Lazariuk. pixelgrain is an online =20
repository of documents and ideas linked to the fading symbol of the =20
Canadian prairie grain elevator. By systematically documenting and =20
mapping these disappearing structures, and interviewing people =20
associated with them, the artists portray a parallel rural community =20
in the midst of transition. pixelgrain also functions as a web portal =20=

that utilises Geographic Information Systems and thematic online =20
networks to create a participatory collaborative document that will =20
evolve and grow over time.

Year Zero One gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada =20
Council for the Arts which last year invested $11.8 million in media =20
arts throughout Canada.

Year Zero One is a media arts collective committed to the production, =20=

development and distribution of electronic media art through net =20
based projects and site-specific public art exhibitions.



, Erika Lincoln

On a similar note, I just posted on my profile page a software project mapping seasonal change on the prairies. Instead of looking at the vanishing grain elevators, I am exploring a flooway that diverts the Red River's spring flood from the city of Winnipeg.
The work is screening at http://.pixxelpoint.orgright now.

, Erika Lincoln
