discreet dissent

perl -e 'binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");@imp_stf; \
$imp_stf[0]="\x{0049}\x{006D}\x{0070}\x{0065}\x{0061}"; \
$imp_stf[1]="\x{0063}\x{0068}\x{0020}\x{0047}\x{0065}\x{006F}"; \
$imp_stf[2]="\x{0072}\x{0067}\x{0065}\x{0020}\x{0042}\x{0075}"; \
$imp_stf[3]="\x{0073}\x{0068}\x{0021}\x{000A}"; \
foreach(@imp_stf){ \
print $_; \


, Eric Dymond

Impeach him? I hardly know him.

, Pall Thayer

You're fooling yourself, Eric. You know the man well. He's the guy who's screwed up policies caused the US dollar to drop below the Canadian dollar which in turn caused all sorts of turmoil and problems regarding things like pension plans etc. Every time the man makes another stupid decision, it sends ripples outward, striking his own first and hardest, neighbors a little less but still having a notable effect.


, Eric Dymond

No no Paul, I agree with the principal of the statement, however, when the same call to arms was made 7 years ago there was a blinded and blaise attitude toward issue of empowered idiots.
But I'm not convinced that another president, other than perhaps Obama, wouldn't have made a mess of things.
The issue of blaming an individual for the follies of the masses has to be assessed. Was it Bush or was it ourselves, shouting for retribution. Our fears and anxieties were fueled by news events and CNN began driving the foreign policy of the US.
I still believe the right found themselves in the right place at the right time. Opportunists have made a fortune on our fears.The machine driving those fears is the Tele-Video providers who need compelling content.
Bush could be impeached, but the root of the problem remains. Until we address our fears, the same fears felt by the masses 100 years ago toward the threat of organized anarchy, we are helpless and dumb.