Digicult presents: +39:CallForItaly Cimatics Festival 2007

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"+39: CALL FOR ITALY" @ Cimatics Festival 2007

Live Performances, Video Screenings, Urban Installations from modern Italian
Electronic Art&Design
Project presented within Cimatics Festival 2007
November 22-24, 2007
Beursschouwburg - Brussels

Project curated by Marco Mancuso with the collaboration of Claudia D'Alonzo
(Video Screening) for Digicult


Digicult is invited with the project +39:CALL FOR ITALY to take part at the
fifth edition of the international festival Cimatics, one of the most
important European event in the field of artistic and cultural transactions
between digital audiovisuals, music, cinema and design. The project will
focus on the develpoments in Electronic Art, Design and Culture in Italy in
the last 10-15 years. Within the four days of Cimatics, Digicult will
collaborate and introduce some of the most experimental and suggestive
Italian musicians, designers, graphics, video makers, sound artists, vjs and
audiovisual artists, with projects of Live Cinema (Ogino Knauss),
Audiovisual live set (Otolab and Quayola), 8bit Audiovisual Show
(Postalmarket/Daniele Lazzarin) and Vjset (Kinotek) and with a Video
Screening curated by Claudia D'Alonzo of some of the most talented Italian
video makers, video artists and graphic designer. Digicult will present also
the Italian duo of architects and designers Limiteazero, called by Belgian
designers collective Lab[au] to create an audiovisual urban installation for
their Doxia Tower curating project "Spectraum".


by Marco Mancuso

Following the Italian cultural tradition in design and project, extending it
to the ultimate forms of audiovisual art and creativity linked to the usage
of new and digital media, the exhibition "+39" wants to be a breathing space
on the artistic evolution of some among the most representative protagonists
of the most recent Italian electronic scene.

Without any celebratory ambition, conscious of the intrinsic value of the
presented works, the exhibition "+39", articulated through a series of
performances, video exhibits and urban installations, is the first
retrospective on those artists, musicians, designers, videomakers, vjs and
programmers who, in the last 10-15 years in Italy, have consciously
developed languages and easthetics within an ever-changing and spreading
cultural ambit.

"+39" is therefore the first opportunity, within a prestigious international
context such as the Cimatics Festival in Brussels, for a whole movement of
professional Italian creatives working in the digital domain to get together
and be acknowledged as a proper 'scene'. The term is abused of, loved and
hated, still it is indicative of a cultural-artistic current, of common
ideological-creative grounds that unite human and professional experiences,
contexts and ambits that are sometimes very far apart. The Italian scene is
ready for international confrontation. Far from being exhaustive, "+39"
wants to uncover the existence of a movement, show an imagery, highlight
work and project methods that are linked to the country and its

The conscious spectator shall then recognize traces of Italian
documentaristic and video-activist tradition in the live-cinema-vjing
project Urban Skin by pioneering collective Ogino-Knauss, an art-project
coming from a long exploration practice of urban global space, inquiring the
semanthic value of the city as a communicating surfaces system: a test of
"urban dermatology" in a form of Live Media. Internationally representing
Italian design applied to new technologies, code, audiovisual research and
interactivity, both Op7 - an audiovisual performance by the Otolab
collective reinterpreting optical art with a strongly synaesthetic approach
that links electronic music and visual scenography - and the urban
intervention at the Doxia tower by Limiteazero - duo of
designer-architects - feature an approach which is strongly linked to the
project with an open reference to graphic design.

Moreover, Quayola, Kinotek and the duo Postal M@arket/Daniele Lazzarin show
how - each with their own style - graphic design, video, electronic music
and videogames have evolved thanks to the crossover between academic and
underground cultural ambits. Graphic design, digital animation,
game-consolle hacking, djing and vjing improvisation are the main issues in
the live audiovisual project Path to Abstraction by Davide Quagliola, in the
vjsets by Mattia Casalegno and in the 8-bit audiovisual easthetics of
Giuseppe and Daniele Lazzarin.

Digicult's project at Cimatics is rounded off by a rich and varied video
screening curated by Claudia D'Alonzo, member of the collective and
editorial staff of Digicult. The potentialities of the screening reside in
the ample and complete vision of all forms of creativity associated to
videomaking, videoclips, audiovisual synaesthesy, research, graphic
animation and illustration. Niko Stumpo, Fabio Franchino, Blu, Mylicon/en,
Zimmerfrei, Hfr-Lab, Progetto Antenna, Virgilio, Vinz Beschi, 47th Floor,
Elec are some of the featured artists within a project that will eventually
be released on DVD.

One last word to thank all those at Cimatics, for the opportunity given to
Italian artists and to Digicult as cultural operator, for having allowed
space to "+39", a self-promoted project which decides to move independently
at an international level in a situation of absolute lack of institutional,
political, public and private support, acknowledgement and funding. In a
country which is culturally far behind, unable to give value to its own
resources, amidst the objective difficulties of everyday professional life,
among the choices of a whole generation, a digital and electronic cultural
scene is born, in spite of everything. Let us pay the necessary tribute.


Presentation Text: http://www.digicult.it/En/2007/+39CallforItaly.asp
Video Screening Text:
Live Performances Infos: http://www.digicult.it/public/SchedeLive.pdf
Video Screening Infos:


DIGICULT is a cultural project involved in digital culture and electronic
arts. DigiCult project is directed by Marco Mancuso and based on the active
participation of 40 professional people about, who represent the first wide
Italian network of journalists, curators, artists and critics in the field
of electronic culture. And on a multitude of updated strategies around new
media communication and networking activities. DigiCult is a web portal but
is also the editor of the monthly magazine DigiMag, discussing with a critic
and journalistic approach, about net art, hacktivism, video art,
electronica, audio video, interaction design, artificial intelligence, new
media, software art, performing art. DigiCult produce an electronic music
and audiovisual podcast and the newsletter international service DigiNews.
DigiCult is involved in side-activities like media partnerships and
journalistic/critic reports, consultancy and curatorial activities and
artists international promotion.
