Human 2.0 - Call for Participants

If you are knowledgeable about Human 2.0 ("h2.0" and/or "h+2.0"),
have written about theory or practice concerning Human 2.0, have
designed media works concerning Human 2.0 ("h2.0"and/or "h+2.0"), or
would like to otherwise participate in a project concerning Human 2.0
("h2.0"and/or "h+2.0"), please respond off list to:

Natasha Vita-More
Human [2.0 / h2.0 / h+2.0] Project

email: natasha at

<>Natasha <>Vita-More
PhD Candidate, Planetary Collegium - University of Plymouth - Faculty
of Technology
School of Computing, Communications and Electronics
Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts

If you draw a circle in the sand and study only what's inside the
circle, then that is a closed-system perspective. If you study what
is inside the circle and everything outside the circle, then that is
an open system perspective. - Buckminster Fuller