framed: new interview with Belinda Barnet

The framed interview project continues with a new interview with
Belinda Barnet online at

Belinda Barnet is Lecturer in Media and Communications at Swinburne
University, Melbourne. She has published widely on new media theory
and culture. Her most recent work on technical evolution appears in
the book 'Technicity' (ed. Louis Armand & Arthur Bradley), and an
essay on mobile media will appear in the forthcoming CTHEORY book,
'The Critical Digital Studies Reader'.

This is the latest in the framed series of interviews with new media
artists, writers and theorists in which they discuss their practice,
both past and present, and the current state of new media art and

Simon Mills


Senior Lecturer in New Media
De Montfort University


, Theo


Wow, great interview; both your questions and Belinda's answers.

Belinda Barnet, 38 weeks pregnant, really kicking intellectual butt.


PS Sorry about the mixed metaphors, but now I've said it I can't get the image out of my mind of pregnant lady kicking butts until they smart…