Call for Submissions: The Present Group - Subscription Art

DEADLINE: February 1st, 2007

The Present Group is an art subscription service. Every year TPG subscribers receive 4 original pieces of art from different contemporary artists.

What is expected of the artists:
Propose a project where the final product will be reproduced art pieces. This is an opportunity to branch out and test a different approach to art making. If you already work in multiples, that’s fine
too. What we send to our subscribers could be a piece from a limited edition or parts of a larger work. The project will be made exclusively through The Present Group. We understand that similar themes
and images may be used throughout your other work, however you agree not to create the exact project again.

What we look for:
+ Most importantly, your work must be reproducible in intent. There will be no “original”. Each piece will be the work itself, or a part of the work. Our first editions will be between 100-300

+ We choose based on the piece’s Visual, Conceptual, or Experiential interest. The Present Group looks for pieces that encompass at least two out of these three qualities.

+ In order to keep our subscribers exposed to a large variety of work, we keep in mind the progression in which they are released, in terms of media, themes, style. . . We have also assured our subscribers that there will be at least one two dimensional work per year.

+ Is it feasible? Can we afford to make it? Again, if we love some project but we don’t think we can afford to do it now, we may ask to hold on to your proposal for a future possibility.

Appreciation for Selected Artists:
+ $500 (This is an honorarium; this does not go toward the making of the pieces)

+ 4 of the produced work for your own collection or to sell on your own.

+ A captive audience of Art Lovers and Collectors

+ Non-Exclusive Representation of your other work to our subscribers at 65/35

+ All the contextual information we create for your piece, including artist info, critiques, and video will remain free on-line as long as TPG exists

Your proposal should include:
+ Contact Information: Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail, Website (if it applies)

+ Project Proposal:
1. What you want to do.
2. How this work will relate to/expand on current themes in your work
3. Anything (sketches, photos. . .) to help you explain your idea.

+ Links to Artist Resume, Statement, Work Samples

The deadline for our second artist is February 1st. Everyone who applies will be contacted by e-mail.

Email guidelines:
[email protected]
Include all of your contact information in the body of your email.
You may also include your project proposal in the body or .PDF.
We much prefer links to web sites or files. If you must use attachments, limit it to three. We will not open more. We prefer .PDFs or .JPGs. We will not accept attached video.

Snail Mail guidelines:
The Present Group
Attn: Submission
593 8th Street #3
Oakland, CA 94607

Send us anything you feel will help us understand your background and/or proposal. We will accept any form of media. If you’d like your sample material returned please include a SASE with proper

Download Full Submission Guidelines here:

For more info: