Call for submissions. Static: ALARM

A little alarm now and then keeps life from stagnation.
- Fanny Burney, Camilla (1796)

The London Consortium invites contributions for the sixth issue of Static (to be published in December 2007), on the theme of ALARM.

Static: ALARM is devoted to the sound, the signal, and the response: the ways in which sounds have triggered gatherings and scatterings; the connections between signs and dangers real and imagined. As the rolling “r” of “alarum” has slackened to the lulling sound of “alarm”, the ringing of alarms has become part of our aural wallpaper. Alarm is hard-wired into us - but has the constant clanging and wailing of alarms, the repeated sounding of “wake-up calls”, induced a collective state of numbing tinnitus?

We welcome all kinds of contributions, and are particularly keen to include sound art, which will be published online. Please contact the editors at static6\[email protected] to discuss the format and other technical details before submitting your work.

Submission guidelines and further information about Static can be found on the website: The deadline for submissions is Monday 1st October 2007.

The editors of Static: ALARM are Thomas Mansell, Richard Osborne, and Katherine Hunt.

The London Consortium is a unique collaboration between the Architectural 
Association, Birkbeck College (University of London), the Institute of Contemporary Arts, the Science Museum, and TATE. It offers challenging, rigorous postgraduate 
programmes in the Humanities and Cultural Studies. Static, the Consortium’s online journal, presents contributions from an international team of academics, artists and cultural practitioners.