NYC Film Permits? Independent Filmmakers et al. Fight Back


Marshall Reese (of ligorno/reese) writes in that he and Svetlana
Mintcheva of the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) have
been crafting a letter in response to the regulations under
consideration by the Mayor's Office.

[…] there are a number of individuals and organizations, (the New
York Civil Liberties Union for one), who are also suggesting
appropriate actions. The initial regulations proposed by the Mayor's
Office seem unrealistic, hard to enforce, and potentially stifling to
filmmakers and photographers in New York, as well as to have serious,
negative, first amendment consequences.

[…] download the letter at:

If you agree and would like to sign it, please contact Svetlana
Mintcheva at NCAC.

[email protected]

Please include your name, professional affiliation and city of
residence to be added to the letter. We will send the letter out by
end of this week, July 27, 2007. The deadline for comments by the
Mayor's Office is August 3rd and we want to send the letter to them
before that.

We feel that the more options that the Mayor's office receives, the
better the likelihood they will make a decent decision.

Thanks for your time. & please feel free to circulate the letter.

Marshall Reese
the letter:

Ms. Julianne Cho
Assistant Commissioner
Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting
1697 Broadway
New York, N.Y. 10019

July 27, 2007

Re: Chapter 9, Title 43 of the City Rules of New York Film Permits

Dear Ms. Cho:
We are writing to you to express our concern about the adverse impact
the new rules on Film Permits (Chapter 9, Title 43 of the City Rules
of New York), currently under consideration, will have on independent
filmmakers, photographers and film and photography students in the
City. While we understand and appreciate the need for written
guidelines regarding photographic and film making activities in New