Operation: Pedopriest

A couple of days ago, the italian collective Molleindustria (http://www.molleindustria.it/home-eng.php) decided to remove from its website its last videogame, Operation: Pedopriest (inspired by the controversial BBC documentary "Sex Crimes and Vatican"), "in order to not worsen the situation of our webspace provider that is legally responsable for all the content". This decision was taken after a point of order in the Italian Parliament called "Countermeasures to the religions' offenses", in which the leader of the Christian Democratic Party Luca Volonte asked to shut down this website appealing to a 2006 law about child abuse and pornography.
The law includes a chapter about "virtual pedo-pornography" that consider illegal to publish "pictures whose quality of representation makes unreal situations appear real". That's like to say that this image (a screenshot from the game, http://www.ecrans.fr/local/cache-vignettes/L450xH249/arton1671-174c4.jpg) could be perceived as real.

The game can be played online here:

The italian version can be downloaded from a dutch server: http://babau.indivia.net/ciarpame/pretofilia.swf

And here are some links of interest:

Operation Pedopriest : "Couvrir les pretres pedophiles" - http://www.ecrans.fr/spip.php?article1636

Italian Government bans Operation Pedopriest as child porn - http://www.watercoolergames.org/archives/000819.shtml

"Operation PedoPriest" attaque par un depute italien - http://www.ecrans.fr/spip.php?article1671
