Dear all,
Some person from SEEcult
|South-Eastern-Europe-Portal-for-Art|( http://www.seecult.org ),obviously
sick&pervert said something like:"Fuck your mother in asshole…etc."My
mother die recently and those words were painful for me.In moment I felt
terrible hate.Oh,yes I know this 'person' make those stuff
to hurt somebody and he/she was successful,that time.
I think some shape of censorship must exist.
If some 'artist' shit on my living room and call that act 'art' should I be
happy with that?No!
In last five year we were present on Rhizome_Raw art exchanging maybe even
more than in Belgrade.
Why?Because idea of global culture could be interesting if we have strength
to apply this idea on rhizomatic way.It's bit rigorous but Deleuze&Guattari
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Deleuze-Guattari )with their
rhizomatic projection made possible certain form of social links without
hierarchy which is always based on power,and this one's came from wealth
We could try to understand Patrick's 'problem' considered his possible
conservative education,or concern for position in Rhizome_Raw…Same time we
are bit worry because his mail wasn't in spirit of understanding main ideas
of rhizomatic method in philosophy.Who are we to tell that?Yes.But who is
Patrick to warn us?We are bit jumpy because USA already make incorrigible
damage in whole world last fifty years and every act from this side we must
check three time(of course,we always men on USA politics which is based on
repression,expansion,exploitation…etc).For example I think Koons is one of
best artist on The World now…And I think that Curt and Vijay and,actually
most guys from Rhizome _Raw who are Americans are open without any reserve
arrogance because they're from USA.We respect that.
It must be order but not oppression.Who could know where's thin line between
for/from hate and research in art which could be noisy,silly,hermetic…or
whatever.Proper word could be aesthetic,and our dilemma about censorship
concern in most case ideological manipulations with/in art.For example
Soros start with his robbery in Serbia with *buyng* few dozen artist and
curators.Chip and effective!Direct hit to brain!!!
Our experience with Rhizome_Raw is positive.Persons with mental problems and
people who hate leave Rhizome fast.They need more dangerous toys for their
hate.Like person from beginning of our text.We are sure artist could take
care for them self's and they don't need any kind of protection in wide area
called art(techne).
Best regards