M.River wins KDM100 Champion!

The impossible has come to pass with M.River winning the highly coveted (by
me) title of Karaoke DeathMatch 100 Champion (
http://www.mteww.com/kdm100/mriver-is-the-kdm100-champion/). By visiting the
previous URL, you can view the victory and defeat songs and comment if you

It was a rough and grueling championship consisting of 50 rounds of karaoke
while the competitors got progressively more drunk. It was an endurance
competition and M.River seems to have endured better over the long haul.

M.River's victory speech consisted entirely of the following: "Blow me Tim.
I won. Fuck you. Ha!"

There will be no rematch (unless, perhaps, we can get funding for it).



, M. River

Although, as Tim points out on the MTAA-RR blog today, my short, sweet and to the point victory speech goes down on record as “Blow me Tim. I won. Fuck you, ha!” I would have rather it been one of these 2 quotes from the fighting wordsmith Muhammad Ali

“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.”


“If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.”

It kinda work both ways. Actually, good job and well played Tim. No rematch.

Also, again big thanks to all who voted and posted. You are the true KDM100 champs.