Crystal Meth

Greetings - I recently [yesterday] received a request for intervention into a young [under the age of consent] man’s life who has skirted perilously close to the abyss create by Crystal Meth addiction. One of the issues, of course, is that in Canada, where we profess ourselves to be ‘Kinder and Gentler’, an upfront, in your face intervention is not legally possible. I have a very successful program called the ‘Walkabout’, so successful in fact that there are even folks who are not addicted applying to get on the trail. I am working to develop a new media based approach to intervention, the idea being that, as it has been proven with the trail program, if you can shunt the focus away from the inevitable spiral downwards, you can then work to restore that same focus away, towards a better situation. Any suggestions on how New Media could be utilized in this endeavor would be most appreciated. - Martin G. Smith - RedSevenOne