"Pillophilia" (by Millie Niss) & "News from Erewhon" (Deed & Niss) win Digital Media Awards

I submitted "Pillophilia":
to the Buffalo Digital Media Arts Festival at Canisius College:
where it won the Peoples' Choice award.

The piece consisted of the song "I am the very model of a psychopharmacologist" (my lyrics, adapted from Gilbert & Sullivan), performed by Michael Szpakowski, with his piano accompaniment. The song is presented in a Flash-based player with subtitles. The second part is a music video for the song with Elana Shneyer's acting, along with 2D (Flash) animation, and 3D (Swift3D) animation. The third part is a Flash application that gives information on each drug mentioned in the song.

I am very grateful to Elana and Michael for their contributions to this project.

"Pilliphilia" was made initially for the Huffington Post's Contagious Media contest last year, where it did respectably but could not compete with works about Cheney's shooting "accident"…

Sporkworld also got a 3rd Place award in the Web Design & Interactive category for "News from Erewhon":
by Martha Deed and Millie Niss, which was originally published in the Iowa Review Web:
in 2005.

Millie Niss
http://www.sporkworld.org//index.php (blog)