

Mixmouse.net is an ongoing, experimental site of student works from Arts 302, Digital Studio II at Colgate University.

Mixmouse.net is a platform for the online exhibition and distribution of digital and new media works including net.art and networked performances.

Artists Involved:
Jon Costantino, Jessica Cozzetta, Polina Koronkevich, Phill O'Connor, Mary Pratt, Jason Rand, Bailey Rogers, Cori Schattner, Ruth Sylvia, Shelby Scott, Colin Twomey, and Jess Worby

Mixmouse.net was initiated and is directed by Cary Peppermint, Assistant Professor of Digital Art. Mixmouse.net is made possible by the Department of Art & Art History at Colgate University.

<jpg image for rhgizome> http://mixmouse.net/mighty/Pleasure.html<jpg image for rhgizome>