12th International Media Art Biennale WRO 07

12th International Media Art Biennale WRO 07


Wroclaw, Poland
16 - 20 May 2007   competition, special events, symposium;
16 May - 17 June 2007   exhibition
WRO Art Center, National Museum in Wroclaw, Entropia gallery, Teatr
Lalek, Mleczarnia (festival club).

The preselection process for the 12th International Media Art Biennale
WRO 07 has been completed. Our website http://wrocenter.pl presents the
list of works and projects to be shown during the WRO 07 competition
(16-20 May 2007). They have been qualified by the WRO Art Centre
Preselection Jury out of the 1,500 entries from over 60 countries.

The final of the Biennale WRO 07 presentations will be held on 20 May
in Wroclaw. The First Prize is 5,000 euros (total prize value - 8,000
euros) and the jurors are: Hanna Wroblewska (curator, Zacheta, Warsaw),
John Thomson (curator, Electronic Arts Intermix, New York), Jan
Schujiren (independent curator, The Netherlands), Elias Levin (curator,
Transitio mx 02, Mexico).

The prize-winning and participating in the competition works and
projects will be presented until 17 June 2007 at a Biennale exhibition
in the National Museum, Wroclaw, and in the WRO Art Centre.

The 81 works that have been qualified for the competition include:

• 51 screenings
• 11 installations and objects,
• 6 performances,
• 11 websites and interactive applications,
• 2 self - generated software/hardware works.

The works originate from: UK (11), USA (11), Germany (8), France (7),
Poland (7), Austria (5), Japan (4), China (3), Spain (3), The
Netherlands (2), Canada (2), South Korea (2), Chile (1), Estonia (1),
Colombia (1), Luxembourg (1), Norway (1), Portugal (1), Romania (1),
Slovakia (1), Switzerland (1), Uruguay (1) and Italy (1). Some of the
works are international collaborations.

Because of the high value of the Polish entries, the WRO 07 Programming
Committee: Piotr Krajewski (Biennale WRO art director), Pawel Janicki
(curator and Biennale WRO competition secretary), Viola Krajewska (WRO
Art Centre Programming Director) have also decided to show 23 works
selected from the 300 Polish entries, including: 16 screenings, 3
installation projects, 4 interactive works, in a special Polish
presentation outside the competition. The presentation, as well as the
WRO in Tour shows following the Biennale, will be addressed to Polish
and international audience, and are meant to be a review of recent
works intended to promote new, innovative developments in contemporary
co-sponsored by the Wroclaw Municipal Authorities.

WRO WRO Center for Media Art
ul. Kuznicza 29a; 54-137 Wroclaw 16; P.O. Box 1385 Poland;
tel.: + 48 71 344 83 69, tel./fax: + 48 71 342 26 91;
http://wrocenter.pl, [email protected]

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