EAI Presents New Tech Lo-Fi and a Synaesthetic Video Revival

Sunday, October 5, 2003
7 pm

70 North 6th Street
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

EAI presents a live performance event and video screening featuring three
new art collectives who re-activate the lo-fi. Cory Arcangel and Alex
Galloway from Beige and Radical Software Group will demonstrate the
subversive genre of video game hacking. Video work by Forcefield and a live
music performance from Termination Gnome galvanizes obsolete analogue
signal-processors and defunct electronics. With psychedelic ebullience,
Paper Rad synthesizes and re-stages popular material from the Internet,
television, video games, and advertising. An analogous era of analogue
synthesis is bridged by rarely screened video from technical pioneers of the
1960s and 70s.

Live performances:
Cory Arcangel and Alex Galloway (Beige/RSG)
Termination Gnome (formerly of Forcefield)
Extreme Animals (Paper Rad)

New Tech Lo-Fi Screening:

Forcefield: Video II, 1996, 2:10 min, color, sound
Ara Peterson: 12 Ball, 1996, 16mm, 5 min, b&w, sound
Forcefield: Berry Face, 2002, 3:51 min, color, sound
Paper Rad: PjVidz #1: Color Vision, 2003, 30:50 min, color, sound (excerpt)

Synaesthetic Video Revival:

Stan VanDerBeek: Selected Works I, 1976-77, 48:30 min, color, sound
Eric Siegel: Tomorrow Never Knows, 1968, 3:10 min, color, sound
Dan Sandin: Spiral 5 PTL, 1980-1, 7 min, color, sound
Steina and Woody Vasulka: Discs, 1970, 5:24 min, b&w, sound

Programmed by Sabrina Gschwandtner
