On Kawara is Dead

On Kawara is Dead

On Kawara is a conceptual artist born in Japan in 1933. Since 1966 he
has made a long series of "date paintings" (the "Today" series), which
consist entirely of the date on which the painting was executed in
simple white lettering set against a solid background. Other series of
works include a series of postcards, "I Got Up At", rubber-stamped with
the time he got up that morning, and a series of telegrams sent to
various people bearing the message "I Am Still Alive".

As of 16 sep 2006 WEB 2.NULL is checking the obituaries in the
newspaper every day to see if On Kawara is still alive.
He buys a copy of "De Standaard" newspaper and cuts out the page with
the obituaries.

The newspaper page with the obituaries is pasted onto a memorial slab
in the Bastard Art Gallery. Onto the page is stamped "On Kawara is not
Dead" in red ink. The names of the people listed in the obituaries are
posted on a blog, along with a picture of the newspaper page every day.

On 7 march 2007 there are 1.000 posts.

On Kawara Mainstreaming