Amazon Noir - The Big Book Crime - Out of court settlement

To properly communicate this project, we would like you to have this
press-release, dealing with the core technology and the story around
our Amazon Noir project. If you have questions or comments, pls mail
them to us: [email protected]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - PR Squared / Panikbluete
Vienna, Torino, Bari, Oldenburg, Nov/Dez, 2006

Amazon Noir



To properly communicate this project, we would like you to have this
press-release, dealing with the core technology and the story around
our Amazon Noir project. If you have questions or comments, pls mail
them to us: [email protected]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - PR Squared / Panikbluete
Vienna, Torino, Bari, Oldenburg, Nov/Dez, 2006

Amazon Noir