Tabula Visum - Funding?

Salvatore -

I am going to (playfully) take up your avant gardist polemic!

we are living on an edge. now.
As have we for many years in many eras. However, we live in the history
of the future, and we are in one of many eras of rapid development. So,
to consider us that 'unique' or 'edgy' is a matter of scope. Not saying
that this time is not interesting, but I would say that the time we are
in now is made so seem exciting (perhaps more than it is) as a function
of desire, dare I say marketing? I merely urge a sense of reflection;
one that is perhaps more than we are used to in the technoculture.

we are right in the middle of the evolution of the things we are talking


Of course! But there is _some_ history to discern our position from.

It just isn't possible to look at things from a distance:

Again, of course - there cannot be a view outside the system one is in.
With a little self-reflection and acknowledgemtnt as such, should this
be a problem? As long as the awareness of the problem is understood and
part of our discussion, this should be the first step to sufficiency.

how is it
possible to consolidate anything? anything that isn't just an
personal view, that is.

That's quite a pointed remark. Hmm. On one hand, arts and humanities
have the element of the subjective, but in artistic experiments, one can
draw on historical references, draw contrasts between forms (a media
dialecticism), and make suggestions. I would prefer the words "informed
hypothesis" to what I think is being suggested. Insignificant? I'll
leave that for others to say.

it was a critique on the way things get shown, funded, pushed.

Mr. Iacones -
As a bit of information, this body (as with much of my work) is totally
un-funded. Although I am a new member of the academy after 15 years as
a contemporary artist (mostly un-funded, had to pay for most of it from
my own pocket), most of my work is non-funded. Turbulence has merely
offered the kindness to give my work another venue.

No money.

Rhizome isn't rich,
Neither is Thing, Turbulence, HTTP, and many other new media sources.
Same for our org, Intelligent Agent.
Many of us have subsistence-workable budgets (never lavish), if we have
budgets at all. We strive to contribute to the community best we can,
and to give as much largesse to our compatriots in the community as best
we can, because we believe that our movement is worth supporting, and it
is beginning to be recognized through those efforts.

I feel, and I hope that others chime in, that our model of community
support is one thing that is unique to our movement. Actually, it is
pretty different than times before it. Sure, there are many of us who
are straddling the high art/New Media communities, but I love the
supportiveness of our community.

Therefore, I would suggest a little more clarity when comparing the
nature of the New Media community when comparing it to the larger
contemporary scene, and the late 20th century contemporary art milieu.
They are not the same. We are often un-funded, more generous, and
perhaps more self-propelled than previous imperatives. These might be
some differences that New Media might have with history. Hmmm.

I am mainly saying that you might be comparing methods and practices
which may not be in context with your argument. Comparing the New Media
community to the same old contemporary art scene is a serious misnomer,
at least in my estimation.

I hope I've sufficiently taken the bait. ;)

most galleries and exhibitions are insignificant. and "old",
obsolete. The structure through which works get evaluated, promoted,
funded has
nothing in common with the contemporary era, with the concepts
expressed, with
the structure of the works themselves.

Patrick Lichty
- Interactive Arts & Media
Columbia College, Chicago
- Editor-In-Chief
Intelligent Agent Magazine
225 288 5813
[email protected]


, Rhizomer

At 8:49 PM -0600 11/19/06, patrick lichty wrote:
>most galleries and exhibitions are insignificant. and "old",
>obsolete. The structure through which works get evaluated, promoted,
>funded has
>nothing in common with the contemporary era, with the concepts
>expressed, with
>the structure of the works themselves.

please forgive me but I don't get all the hyperbole around this piece. You
translated some rather banal images into "pure" html code - i.e. tables (or
whatever). Isn't this just a technical exercise? I really don't get what
all the heavy breathing is about. I suppose I can get the formalist rigor
trope of "pure html" over "alien" .jpg code but that is really a rather
narrow vein to mine (imo). I'm sure it was interesting and challenging to
do though.

The funding part - I must have missed the initial comment- so I don't quite
follow all that. Most artists fund their own work. Some artists make
(regular) sales; some artist get (usually pretty meager) grants but for the
most part we foot the bill. Or was I not paying attention in the "how to be
an artist" class? ;-)



Studio Site Updated!

, patrick lichty

"funding" was only one of the words of the sentence, and by no means the
significant one. But it was the one that hit the spot and caused the

Yes, it did, didn't it?