call for digital art

As a part of the Art of the Animal Symposium, 27-28 November, Gold Coast, Australia ( conference website), we are curating a companion net-based digital art exhibition. This is a juried exhibition with prizes for the top three artworks in each category (prizes to be announced, but expect the unusual).

For more details:

Theme of Exhibition:
In order to compliment and expand on the discussions/papers presented at the symposium, all artworks should be related to or address in some way one or more of the following inquires (or convince us otherwise) (animals=non-human):

If animals were to create with digital tools what would they create? How would they create?
Digital Artworks inspired by animal creativity, or the creations of animals.
Relate animal and human creativity/art. Should we even have such distinctions?
Digital Artworks which explore how we perceive animal creativity.

How to Submit: Deadline: November 6, (artworks will be reviewed as they are received)
All artworks submitted should be web ready and be sent via a URL that contains the artwork. Public tools such as youtube or flickr are fine for the jury process
Send an e-mail with the following to both addresses:

Artist(s) name, affiliation, contact details and a brief bio.
Title of Artwork, URL for jury review, and one paragraph description of how the artwork relates to the exhibition themes.

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.