wryneck reflection

If we are part of Rhizome 'community' we demand your understanding and
reaction.Why are you so confused?Isn't it nice opportunity to taste mixture
of different kind of logic?MANIK's demand for Rhizome stuff resignation's
based on light tradition of what Americans teach us already half
century.Isn't it hypocritical to seek one logic(not justice)for your
self's,and completely different for other people.In which sense we are
'community'(with MANIK as a part of the same?).In sense you ignore our
suggestion?You don't like to see your own pupil adopt your knowledge?It's
look ugliness to see what politics you wouldn't do anything to stop make
with people in generally,all over the world?And Lauren's stylish ignore of
MANIK demand tell us how deep's her racism(racism is not just about skin
color…)it's internal scorn toward demonstrate of wryneck reflection, bad
conscience and subconsciousness in some filthy and cheep mirror.
Considered Raw MANIK work on his Forum and already make his order:
http://seecult.org/forum/(SEEcult-South-Eastern Europe Portal for
Here's two threads you could recognize some names and texts.
And finally:Raw's OK,but MANIK don't like some announcement in the middle of
serious discussion.But also we thought divide of those entirety could be
very bad because from time to time some important announcement 'fall into
eyes'(Parmenides).All you should do is to separate regions on one singular
Love you all