ReRe: RHIZOME_RAW: Re: Community ????????

As many times before MANIK refer you to pay attention on Rhizome stuff at
least year and half ago.I don't know is that yor ignorance or just naturaly
mentally retarded,but since this Ladies (?)guardianship Rhizome became
"half"of former Rhizome.Five or sex post per day,two,or three cloned object
per year …Is that my imagination?It's time to give them watches and send
them to pension.I think best solution for boss of is Joy
Garnett,or somebody in that class of ethic and intellectual grade.

Lee wrote:
It definitely isn't the same thing it use to be.
My biggest disappointment lately was that they didn't let the community know
about the 10 year festival until it was already curated. I'm sure many of
the members would have liked to be included in some part of it outside of
the Keylines discussion on the choices that were made.
Isn't that what Rhizome is anyway????

Where was the open call to the members?
Was it something we all missed.

Did the New Museum of Contemporary Art make an executive decision? Is the
fact that Rhizome's a membership org only a conduit for grants? I know its
not easy to run a non profit but what used to be an open network has to a
certain degree become a bit privileged and elitist.

Perhaps Marisa can explain to everyone her curatorial decisions. The main
mistake was that there wasn't even the illusion that the real community on
Rhizome would be asked to be a part of something. For as much as the staff
is accountable to the Board of Directors they should also be accountable to
the members of the community as well.

I'm sure there could have been some sort of collaborative project created
that could have included everyone if they so desired.

I've been hanging around the RAW servers since 1998 and have been surprised
by some of the directions that the org has taken over the years.
On certain levels the site is better, like the New York Times of New Media
and an amazing resource for calls for work and exhibition opportunities. But
the great conversations and real community participation of the past now
only happen once in a great while and the users have been turned into
passive viewers. As long as there are only a couple people questioning
nothing will change.

Full community participation is needed to create a positive change in any


On 10/5/06 6:03 PM, "Steve OR Steven Read" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Uh oh, it