

The Intelligent Agent magazine special issue (Vol. 6 No. 2) featuring
the papers to be presented at ISEA2006 is available now! Done in
cooperation with ZeroOne San Jose & ISEA2006, the papers look at the
four thematic threads of the symposium: Interactive City,
Transvergence, Community Domain and Pacific Rim.

In addition, a print-on-demand issue of the journal, serving as a
hardcopy record of the symposium papers, is now available for order
at the Intelligent Agent website. This issue will be the first print
version of Intelligent Agent magazine since 1998.

A limited amount of print issues will be available for purchase at

Intelligent Agent (IA) is a service organization and information
provider dedicated to interpreting and promoting art that uses
digital technologies for production and presentation. Intelligent
Agent's programs are dedicated to increasing the visibility of this
work within an art context by documenting and interpreting it and
making it accessible to the art world at large. IA provides a
platform of critical discourse for discussing issues relevant to
digital media, their social and cultural impact, and the parameter
shifts they have brought about for the arts.

The 13th International Symposium for Electronic Arts (ISEA2006) will
be held in San Jose California August 7-13th, 2006 in conjunction
with the premiere of ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on
the Edge, an innovative biennial festival for San Jose and the
Greater Bay Area. Up to 2000 attendees are expected to participate in
the ISEA2006 and 70,000 members of the general public to attend a
public lecture, exhibition, performance, concert or otherwise
participate in the festival.

ISEA2006 emphasizes conversation and discourse. There will be NO
reading of papers! There will be ample opportunity for interaction
with keynotes and paper authors during the extended sessions.
Presentations of projects by artists will run continuously. A re:mote
symposium will take place concurrently featuring presentations of
those who physically cannot attend. All of the Symposium events are
integrated into the ZeroOne Festival via streaming. Most importantly,
the Symposium proceedings and environment are structured to encourage
audience interaction. Over 70 papers, artists presentations and
posters are will be showcased.

Joel Slayton
Chair, ISEA2006 Symposium +
ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge

August 7-13, 2006 | 8 WEEKS TO GO