Fwd: SavetheInternet Update: Call Your Senator

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From: Timothy Karr <[email protected]>
Date: Jun 27, 2006 10:59 AM
Subject: SavetheInternet Update: Call Your Senator
To: [email protected]

Dear Save the Internet member:

Here's the latest from the Senate Commerce Committee, where a "mark-up" on
several amendments to Senator Stevens' Telecom Act began today at 10 a.m.:
The Snowe-Dorgan Net Neutrality amendment will probably come before the
Committee by mid-to-late afternoon. If successfully passed, the amendment
would put Net Neutrality language into the massive Telecommunications Act.
This is critical.

If your (or your readers'/members') Senators sit on the committee, they need
to hear from you immediately. Ask them to support the Snowe-Dorgan Net
Neutrality amendment to the larger Telecom Act (S. 2686).

Here are the members of the committee who have not taken a strong position
in favor of Internet freedom and for the Snowe-Dorgan Amendment. Please urge
your members to call them now:

*Chairman Ted Stevens* (R-Alaska)
Phone: 202-224-3004

*Sen. John McCain* (R-Ariz.)
Phone: 202-224-2235

*Sen. Mark Pryor* (D-Ark.)
Phone: 202-224-2353

*Sen. Bill Nelson* (D-Fla.)
Phone: 202-224-5274

*Sen. Frank Lautenberg* (D-N.J.)
Phone: 202 224 3224

*Sen. David Vitter* (R-La.)
Phone: 202 224-4623

*Sen. Trent Lott* (R-Miss.)
Phone: 202-224-6253

*Sen. Conrad Burns* (R-Mont.)
Phone: 202-224-2644

*Sen. Ben Nelson* (D-Neb.)
Phone: 202-224-6551

*Sen. John Ensign* (R-Nev.)
Phone: 202-224-6244

*Sen. John E. Sununu* (R-N.H.)
Phone: 202-224-2841

*Sen. Gordon Smith* (R-Ore.)
Phone: 202-224-3753

*Sen. Jim DeMint* (R-S.C.)
Phone: 202 224-6121

*Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison* (R-Texas)
Phone: 202-224-5922

*Sen. George Allen* (R-Va.)
Phone: 202-224-4024

*Sen. John D. Rockefeller * (D-W.Va.)
Phone: 202-224-6472

These phone calls actually make a difference.

Thank you for your good work on behalf of this campaign.

Tim Karr
Campaign Director
Free Press

P.S. Here are some recent articles and videos in support of SavetheInternet
and Net Neutrality:

*An Internet for the Few or the Many?*
*Michael Copps has a message for the technology industry when it comes to
Net neutrality: Get involved.*
CNet News.com<http://news.com.com/An+Internet+for+the+few+or+the+many/2008-1028_3-6088206.html>

*Don't Let the Service Providers Discriminate on the Internet*
*Two of the Internet's top business innovators made a case for Net
Neutrality today in an op-ed written for the San Jose Mercury News.
"Reinstating the Internet's core principle of net neutrality won't stand in
the way of innovation," write John Doerr and Reed Hastings. "Indeed, net
neutrality has, until recently, been the very foundation of Internet
San Jose Mercury

*Protecting Net Neutrality from the Neutricidal Telcos*
*For AT&T and Verizon to be screaming for the protection of the free market
against Net Neutrality is "sheer hypocrisy," writes Internet guru Cory
Doctorow. "They themselves are creatures of government regulation, basing
their business on government-granted extraordinary privileges."*
Information Week<http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID9600971>

*No Tolls on the Internet*
*Only a Congress besieged by high-priced telecom lobbyists could possibly
consider handing the Internet over to the handful of cable and telephone
companies that control online access for 98 percent of the broadband market.
Washington Post

Also, check out these recent "Videos from the People:"

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