Pixel Pops! in Praque

Pixel Pops! Submission Deadline Extension and Exhibition Date Change -
New Deadline: 8 July 2006

Call for Submissions - Pixel Pops!

International exhibition in October 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic.
This is an artist-organized exhibition, coordinated by Natalia Vasquez (Miami, US), Michal Blazek (Prague, Czech Republic), and Joan Sanchez (Barcelona, Spain).

There are no fees to enter.
This will be a juried show based on work submitted.

We will arrange to display a variety of digital works. All work must show evidence of extensive computer manipulation or be otherwise highly digital.

Acceptable Formats:
—Web-based Works (No live Internet available for exhibit, all work should be self-contained. See information below.)

—Short Videos & Animations (1-3 minutes preferred, will accept up to 7
*Upload a tiny file (180x120 is OK) for jurying.

*It is important that you also send us a file that is big enough for display (up to 10megabytes by email) by the 8 July deadline.

*Also send a DVD with your work by 22July (this will ensure high quality resolution for projection)

* see shipping address below

—Interactive Works (Flash, Director, MaxMSP/Jitter)
Interactive works can be "recorded" and uploaded up to 10megabytes. Interactive works must have an additional auto-run mode.

*All submitted work must be able to run locally (on a hard drive) in a
web browser such as Netscape or Firefox. Please submit by sending an
email to [email protected] with an attachment or web link to your work.

*Attach a brief artist statement and a description of your work (up to 1 page) as a word document. Texts accepted in English, Espanol, Francais.

*Copyright Info: All artists accepted for this exhibition will retain
ownership of copyright and all other rights to their artwork. We retain the right to use images of accepted artwork for promotional reasons concerning the exhibition or future projects.

*Multiple submissions are accepted and encouraged!

*All participating artists will have their work added to the Popping Pixels site. http://www.poppingpixels.org (Last year