
The good news just keeps on coming. I may turn into a preacher. ;-)

NYFA (The New York Foundation for the Arts) has an interesting online
magazine called NYFA Current
Their magazine features refreshingly straight talk about art and
artists' projects. Short, sweet and eminently readable, they asked
me to write a piece for their Rants & Raves section.< http://>
The piece will only be up for two weeks.

I've just been invited by Lee Wells to present my HD videos and
curate the HD video part of Cinema-Scope for the Scope Hamptons Art
<> if you have any HD videos you'd
like me to present let me know.

Last night was a fun opening at Postmasters gallery. The result is
a new Art Dirt Redux. I took
quite a few cellphone pix. Check it out and see if I snapped you!
While there Doron Golan told me that my rough edit video Assembled
Cinema has now gotten 10,000 downloads on his dvblog site.
As you may imagine I was quite pleased and surprised. The piece is
only the work sample and a proposal for a much larger video
installation work I hope to produce someday.