Commissions feedback synthesis

Hi all:

So, I just re-read the Commissions thread. I'd like to synthesize the
feedback we received. We will consider it when designing the open voting for
next year.

1) Written narratives were too long; voters felt reviewing proposals at 500
word count was onerous, artists felt it kept people from looking at their

2) Some artists felt their projects received too few hits; besides being
awarded a grant, one benefit artists may receive from submission is
visibility and discussion of their work. A question is whether projects are
being affected by the way proposals are presented, i.e factors outside their

3) "New media" model over voting; voting creates hierarchies that aren't in
line with ways that popularity or rank works online. Rhizome staff is also
interested in exploring alternate models; the current system was created by
previous Director of Technology Francis Hwang and, while we see much value
in it, we also see the open voting as an ongoing experiment and therefore
open to change.

4) Larger grants. Working on it! Maybe once there are Jim Andrews
Foundations, toegristle corporations and Sal Randolph Charitable Trusts,
raising money around Internet-based art will become easier :) Lee Wells
posted our supporters to the list. In this generous gesture however, he
didn't list our individuals members and I'd like to note that without their
support granting would not be possible. You can view many of them here:

Anything else?

Now that we're in the final stage, I'd like to thank everyone who has been
involved. This includes the members who voted and gave feedback and the
artists who submitted proposals. Submitting your work to an open voting
system takes courage and I commend all of the artists who participated.


Lauren Cornell
Executive Director,
New Museum of Contemporary Art
210 Eleventh Ave, NYC, NY 10001

tel. 212.219.1222 X 208
fax. 212.431.5328
ema. [email protected]


, Lee Wells

Hi Lauren:

I intentionally left them out because the conversation was referring to
institutional support for new media. Cant wait until everyone on Rhizome has
their own multinational corporations and trustee rich foundations.
Until then, I'm happy that Rhizome is around and know its because of the
individuals and collectives that play on the site daily.

Maybe we could start the Rhizome member artists grant. I'd give more money
to Rhizome if I knew it was going directly for something. 501c3 donations
are tax deductible. My donation to Rhizome lowered my taxes.

Another idea is to have a bi-yearly online/offline auction of donated new
media artworks to help raise money for additional artist grants and raise
the public profile for new media art in the marketplace. Also a deduction
for both parties.

Anyone go to the Whitebox Auction this weekend.

All the best,

Lee Wells

Brooklyn 11222
917 723 2524

On 5/16/06 2:19 AM, "Lauren Cornell" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hi all:
> So, I just re-read the Commissions thread. I'd like to synthesize the
> feedback we received. We will consider it when designing the open voting for
> next year.
> 1) Written narratives were too long; voters felt reviewing proposals at 500
> word count was onerous, artists felt it kept people from looking at their
> projects
> 2) Some artists felt their projects received too few hits; besides being
> awarded a grant, one benefit artists may receive from submission is
> visibility and discussion of their work. A question is whether projects are
> being affected by the way proposals are presented, i.e factors outside their
> projects
> 3) "New media" model over voting; voting creates hierarchies that aren't in
> line with ways that popularity or rank works online. Rhizome staff is also
> interested in exploring alternate models; the current system was created by
> previous Director of Technology Francis Hwang and, while we see much value
> in it, we also see the open voting as an ongoing experiment and therefore
> open to change.
> 4) Larger grants. Working on it! Maybe once there are Jim Andrews
> Foundations, toegristle corporations and Sal Randolph Charitable Trusts,
> raising money around Internet-based art will become easier :) Lee Wells
> posted our supporters to the list. In this generous gesture however, he
> didn't list our individuals members and I'd like to note that without their
> support granting would not be possible. You can view many of them here:
> Anything else?
> Now that we're in the final stage, I'd like to thank everyone who has been
> involved. This includes the members who voted and gave feedback and the
> artists who submitted proposals. Submitting your work to an open voting
> system takes courage and I commend all of the artists who participated.
> Lauren