CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: The Escape Artists Society (T.E.A.S.) ViPod Gallery works

ViPod Gallery: Viewing Event - CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

The Escape Artists Society (T.E.A.S.) <> wants
your video art for Vancouver


, Maschine Hospital

Doesn't this *completely* remove the artist from actual contact with the
audience in a "perfromative" medium, and *harmfully* disperse the author's
energy without any control? Doesn't this give the artist a rather
ill-formed sense of "experiencing the divine"? A very standard and
extremely dangerously pathological "disease" amongst contemporary
"artists" on stage? Now how *accessible* is this that a pattern generated
by FLUXUS / Industrial Music of destroying all mechanisms protecting the
Individual Essence is being sold as "destoying the ego" and "waking up of
consciousness in order to be "consumed by the people"?

Idiots "stripped and flayed" alive? On stage? And doesn't your proposal
simly mimick the media's current push of Mass Media (from 1 1/2 yrs ago if
I may add–and even earlier by fashion) to go deeper and deeper inside
people's lives? Both in terms of the artist and the audience?

SVEDKA–the new entertainment?

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| '|' |
`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, Camille Baker

ViPod Gallery: Viewing Event - CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

The Escape Artists Society (T.E.A.S.) <> wants
your video art for Vancouver