"Proposal for a Great Earth Mother: Bio Art and Digital Literature" - A PLOG !!!!!?

A PLOG ????!!! - http://www.creative-catalyst.com/plog.html

13 March

"Regina Celia Pinto has made the first contribution to "e-Femoral: the
severed head and other stories.
(http://www.creative-catalyst.com/e-femoral/index.html)" Her story is an
extract from her current work in progress, an electronic artist's book
entitled "Proposal for a Great Earth Mother: Bio Art and Digital Literature"
(translated from Portuguese by Sabrina Gledhill). Read it here


Proposal for a Great Earth Mother:
Bio Art and Digital Literature
Regina Celia Pinto

(English Version: Sabrina Gledhill)

The renowned anthropologist Sir R.B. was the first to note the strange
symbols on Kiwi multimedia artist HVJ's femur stem. As a result, this item
was immediately taken to the CALS (Center for Anthropological and Linguistic
Studies) in the main city on the Island of Aotearoa. The world's foremost
anthropologists and experts in linguistics and codes flocked to that
important research center to witness an unheard-of event in the world of

For months on end, these specialists devoted themselves to the study of that
femur stem without making any discoveries. Meanwhile, multimedia artist HVJ
got used to walking with her new tantalum1 hip implant, and was amazed at
the sudden fame gained by that former part of her bone structure. Every day,
the wildest claims appeared in the newspapers, but the scientists were
stymied. The code (?) was still unbroken.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Much more at:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.creative-catalyst.com/plog.html

Please, I will be delighted if you browser at:
http://www.creative-catalyst.com/plog.html , read the text and send me small
chips to be installed into the head of the "Great Earth Mother Cyborg".
(images, animations or movies > maximum: 100 pixels x 100 pixels, poems >
+ - 3 lines)

To receive lots of chips would be really great!

Send your chip to [email protected]


Regina Celia Pinto


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