SAartsEmerging launch and party!

SAartsEmerging launches today with a feature on Pretoria-born and
bred Donna Kukama. In celebration, we've planned a cash bar
hootenanny for emerging artists and art appreciators, alike:

9 February, 2006
Berlin Bar in Johannesburg, South Africa
7th street, Melville (across and down from Xai Xai)
18:30ish til whenev
Features a site-specific installation by our own Bronwyn Lace! is dedicated to featuring emerging South African
artists, curators and arts personalities who are not generally, or
have not yet been, written about - but who should be. SAartsEmerging
lacks any pretense of objectivity, and preference is not only given
to Gauteng locals and friends, but also to early-career non-stars
working conceptually, and across disciplines. We're always looking
for writers who want to feature burgeoning artists… More
information on us or contributing? Visit the site!

SAartsEmerging features a new producer every third Friday of the
month. 17 February will see our next feature, Bronwyn Lace, a
Johannesburg-based, installation artist, just before her YAP solo
show in Durban.

Hope to see you at the party!
Simon Gush, Bronwyn Lace & Nathaniel Stern